The MCHD ER room offers skilled, quality emergency services in your time of need 24/7. The MCHD ER offers many benefits to the local community including a shorter waiting time than larger facilities and skilled, quality nursing staff from our own community who provide personalized care to you and your family.
The MCHD emergency room is staffed by physicians and mid-level providers from Concord Medical, who serve not only our Emergency Department, but provide a continuum of care in our Med/Surg & ICU unit, Swingbed unit, and Nursing Home.
We want our patients to receive the RIGHT care at the RIGHT time in the RIGHT place. The Emergency Room treats those who are in immediate danger of losing life, limb, or those who are in labor.
When you arrive in our Emergency Room, you will receive a Medical Screening Exam (MSE) to determine if your condition is an emergency. This means immediate loss of life, limb, or that you are in labor. Emergencies will then be seen with those with the most urgent needs being treated first. As an example: if a patient who was in a car accident and is immediate danger of dying and another patient with a broken bone arrive at the same time, the car accident victim will be treated first.
In compliance with EMTALA, all patients who are experiencing an emergency medical condition (EMC) will be stabilized regardless of their ability to pay. If we are unable to stabilize a patient within our capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer to a higher level of care will be implemented.
Because the Emergency Room has a very specific purpose: to save lives; and because the Emergency Room is the most expensive place for patients to receive care, we want to assist our patients receive care they are seeking in the appropriate setting.
If the Medical Screening Exam (MSE) determines that your condition is NOT an emergency, we will help you locate an area physician or physician clinic to see you, or you may proceed to be seen in our "non-emergent" unit, which will require an upfront payment.
EMTALA applies to individuals who are experiencing an emergency medical condition (EMC.) After a Medical Screening Exam is performed, if you have not met this criteria, EMTALA does not apply and payment may be discussed.
MCHD EMS is staffed by skilled professionals who are kept current in the latest life saving techniques and are equipped with the latest state of the art technology.
MCHD EMS is housed and run by Moore County Hospital District, so you can be assured that the quality practiced by the District extends to our professionals in the field.
Some of the advantages we have for exceptional care are:
MCHD EMS is also proud to offer Continuing Education classes for both professionals and community members.
Moore County Hospital District
224 East 2nd Street, Dumas, Texas 79029, United States